Monday, January 30, 2017

The Great Divide

“In loyalty to their kind they cannot tolerate our rise; in loyalty to our kind, we cannot tolerate their obstruction.”

“Your work is to survive. Neither his kind, nor his kind of thinking will survive long. They are the crown of creation, they are ambition fulfilled – they have nowhere more to go. But life is change, that is how it differs from rocks, change is its very nature.”

“They have become history without being aware of it. They are determined still that there is a final form to defend: soon they will attain the stability they strive for, in the form it is granted – a place among the fossils…”

John Wyndham, "Rebirth", 

If the lines written above seem eerily timely, consider this, from: "America's Second Civil War", Real Clear Politics

The belief system that "regards Western civilization as the greatest moral and artistic human achievement and viewed the celebration of racial identity as racism -- is now affirmed almost exclusively on the right"

"Like the left in every other country, the left in America essentially sees America as a racist, xenophobic, colonialist, imperialist, warmongering, money-worshipping, moronically religious."

What does the right hold dear, besides their bank accounts? 
Their belief in the supremacy of western civilization, of course. 

The right is utterly convinced that they are the pinnacle of human development. 
They're so arrogant of their own superiority that they believe no one else has the right to voice an opinion about how we humans might inhabit this earth. 

And where has blind faith in the superiority of western civilization brought us all, 
but to the brink of self-destruction? 
So yes, I agree with everything attributed above to the "left". 
The American right is "racist, xenophobic, colonialist, imperialist, warmongering, money-worshipping, moronically religious." 
The rest of America is NOT. 

America is not the private property of the right, regardless of what they believe.

Earth's natural resources do NOT belong to them exclusively.
The  American right is convinced that it has God's blessing to force its chosen way of life on all of America and the rest of the world.
This belief served them well. 
They prospered at the expense of others, and they've  managed to get away with it for a long time.
They want to hold on to their power, and they want even MORE.
This is NOT what the rest of the world wants. 

The administration that the right wing just put into power does NOT represent the majority of Americans, regardless of what their spin doctors try to convince everyone is true.
There is a civil divide, most definitely, and it's brother against brother just like the last time. 
Whether or not it will break out into actual warfare has yet to be seen. 
But I would caution those on the right about one thing: 
Most of humanity does not support your views, and America no longer holds all the ammo.

Nuclear weapons do not discriminate. 

There is no force on Earth as democratic as a hydrogen bomb.

Curtain Call
