Friday, July 31, 2015

Promotion, not Attraction

How Alcoholics Anonymous puts bums on seats.

Lately I've devoted a small slice of cyberspace and a lot of my time to 
a variety of amusements, so I thought it might be nice to wrap up the 
month of July with a bit more information about Alcoholics Anonymous.

I dealt with the issue of "attraction, not promotion", in  "12 Stepping the Judge". 
Today I though it would be helpful to go into more detail about the promotional activities 
of AA's service organization, using excerpts from the CPC Committee workbook.

  The CPC Committee workbook is a resource provided by AA's General 
Service Organization to local groups to offer them guidance in carrying the 
message to professionals and people in positions of authority at the local level. 

CPC stands for "Cooperating with the Professional Community", which 
has been the policy of AA's leaders ever since the days of Billandbob. 

The workbook's statement of purpose seems innocuous enough at first glance. 
The word "cooperation" was a good choice, disguising as it does the initiative 
that AA takes in forging close bonds with various professional communities.

Exactly Who does the GSO ask the CPC Committees carry the message to? 
Well, not your town drunk, he's on his own and will have to cough up his own quarter 
for the phone call to AA. The GSO has bigger, better, and more powerful  game in its sights.

The workbook provided by the GSO includes a detailed list of suggested 
goals to help inspire the foot soldiers who make up the local CPC groups.

I've highlighted phrases that exemplify the initiative that CPC Committee members 
are asked to take when making friends with professionals in positions of power.  

I knew that AA had an interest in informing the medical, psychiatric, 
and legal communities about the availability of AA meetings, but it never 
occurred to me that AA would approach students in order to groom them 
for the job of diverting their future clients and charges into the program.  

  This was news to me, and a very clever strategy for making certain 
that the fellowship of AA continues to grow in numbers into the future.

Having never been to one, I'm not sure of exactly what a CPC presentation 
would look like, but I have been informed by several allegedly high-ranking 
current and former CPC committee members that they merely respond to 
requests from members of the professional community. 

I was told that the wording used in the workbook is misleading, and that 
although it appears to recommend a high degree of initiative on the part of 
the committees, in reality their activities are responsive, rather than aggressive.

Not being a GSO member myself, I can only go by what the literature states. 
It states quite clearly, in words that are almost impossible to misinterpret, 
that the CPC committees take the initiative when offering their services 
to professionals who might be unaware of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The workbook includes several sample introductory letters 
intended to be sent to various authority figures.

There is a cover letter, for example, written for members of the clergy.

AA has an understandable interest in telling the medical profession about AA.

In order to avoid neglecting any potential prospects, it's a good idea 
to have the prosecutor and the the police department on your side.

Finally, and this is the part anyone who cares about their constitutional rights 
should be interested in, there's the most important contact of all; the Judge.

I'm particularly impressed by the wording in the sample letter to the judge. 
If there are any professionals in a better position than the Judge 
to "influence...the still-suffering alcoholic", I haven't met them yet.

Over and over current  members have defended their program of recovery by 
claiming that AA has no control over who gets coerced into going to meetings. 
According to the Big Book and the Traditions, the only requirement for 
 membership in Alcoholics Anonymous is the desire to stop drinking. 

If AA really believed that willingness were a requirement for membership, 
the GSO would not place such importance on making friends with the Judge, 
the person who is not only in a "unique position to influence the alcoholic", 
but who has the power to offer him the choice between Jail or AA. 

The literature commonly provided to individual members insists that 
you cannot force sobriety on anyone, and should not try to do so. 

The Big Book admonishes 12 steppers not to waste their time 
on anyone who does not want what the program has to offer. 

Yet the people at the top of the service organization are essentially 
asking that the judicial system send the unwilling to meetings anyway. 

This violation of its own traditions is justified, many times, in the literature, 
and is the most noxious example of AA doublespeak that I've found to date.

Is Alcoholics Anonymous affiliated with the court system? 
The answer depends upon personal opinion, and is the subject of heated debate.

According to Tradition Six, as written in the long form, AA is concerned that 
it "never give the impression" that AA is affiliated with another enterprise. 

Public opinion of the program is as important if not more so 
than adherence to the principles espoused by AA.

More will be revealed......

Edgar Allan

Is your scathing parody of extreme ideology
frequently misinterpreted as the real thing?

Next time, add an Edgar Allan to your post. 

On forums that don't let you upload pictures,
Edgar Allan can make a lovely avatar. 

The fanatics won't have a clue as to what you're on about,
but your savvy friends and allies will never mistake you
for a religious fanatic or mindless cult member again.

I personally recommend using a Deeply Dreamed version of Poe.
The strange visions of Google's AI add that irreverent "je ne sais quoi".

Be creative! It's Your POE, after all.

ps: If all of this strikes you as exceedingly obscure, consider this:
Edgar Allan was a cryptographer as well as an author and poet.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever gods may be
That no life lives for ever,
That dead men rise up never;
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea.

Swan Song, Swineburne, second verse

How calmly does the olive branch
Observe the sky begin to blanch
Without a cry, without a prayer
With no betrayal of despair

Some time while light obscures the tree
The zenith of its life will be
Gone past forever
And from thence
A second history will commence

A chronicle no longer gold
A bargaining with mist and mold
And finally the broken stem
The plummeting to earth, and then

An intercourse not well designed
For beings of a golden kind
Whose native green must arch above
The earth's obscene corrupting love

And still the ripe fruit and the branch
Observe the sky begin to blanch
Without a cry, without a prayer
With no betrayal of despair

Oh courage! Could you not as well
Select a second place to dwell
Not only in that golden tree
But in the frightened heart of me

Nonno's last poem, from Night of the Iguana
Tennessee Williams

ghosts in the trees...

more to come.....

Sunday, July 26, 2015

all the kids

There's no way I can possibly show you All the kids. 
Here are just a few....

Buddha Baby Fountain, MEA

 more to come.....

Friday, July 24, 2015


If Ma represents all things cozy, warm, nurturing and familiar,
Pa stands for everything expansive, cerebral, transformative and strange,

on our planet, the Earth...

The lights of the United States are clearly visible 
looking back towards our planet from space ...

and in our solar system.

the immeasurable energy of our sun

We reach outwards, towards our neighboring planets,

New Horizons robotic spacecraft explores Pluto

further out into our own galaxy, 

the Milky Way.

the Milky Way over Yellowstone

our galaxy, as seen from Malibu

We begin to explore the rest of our Universe.

  Ultraviolet rings of the Andromeda Galaxy

LEDA 89996 is a classic example of a spiral galaxy.

NGC 6503, a galaxy at the edge of an empty patch of space

We reach inside, creating new worlds of imagination,

Michael Whelan's illustration for Larry Niven's sci fi novel The Smoke Ring  

Whelan's cover illustration for Niven's The Integral Trees

and discover that we have the power 

to destroy what we have found.

Judgement belongs to Pa.

So does the Bomb.

We blame conflict, war, and destruction on Pa,

but in truth, we all have a hand in it.

We need both mother and father in order to survive.

Love your Mama, but don't neglect your Pa.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Don't forget your mama

Sorry, you'll have to watch it on YouTube,
at least until I can find another version

Jai Shri Ma

Ganga Devi puja

Devaprayag, Uttaranchal, India; 

On the road to Gomukh glacier

(photo processed by google's Deep Dream)

Om Jaya Ganga Mata

Sunday, July 19, 2015
